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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beginners Guide to a Successful Programming Career

Computer programming is regarded as one of the complex area of specialization in the information technology world. Sometime it is said that "programming is for the men and not for the boys". Programming has been my hubby for about ten(10) years now and learning how to effectively solve a problem using codes has not been very easy due to lack of adequate guidance. I want to use this article to reach out to those that may want to go into programming the right thing in order to have a fruitful programming career.

The following ideas or tips will help in launching a beginner in computer program on the right footing:

1. Database Management Systems (DBMS)
It is important to note that most of computer application today whether window or web are living application where the user will need to interact with the application. DBMS are used for the back-end of most computer software nowadays. As a potential programmer you should have a little knowledge of these DBMS; the most used or common by experts are:

i. Oracle Database System;
ii. Microsoft SQL Server;
iii.MYSQL; and
iv. Microsoft Access for Beginners.

2. Start Programming with a language that is Friendly
It is also recommended that you select a computer language that will assist you in learning such as joining their forums or communities where there are other experienced programmers in the language that will be ready to put you through. This will afford you the opportunity of learn the language culture, the best practices and how to get the most out of asking for help.

3. Have a Programming Partner
As one of the best practices in the programming world it is good to pair for an agile software development. The importance of pair programming cannot be overemphasized. It allows the two programmer to divide their responsibilities and the issue of stress coding can also be taken care off as while one is on the key board coding the other is on another task that may be stressful and vice versa.

4. Choose a Mentor
There are many programming languages with a lot of experienced coders in all the languages. If you are a beginner get a mentor among friends, co-workers, and in a forum or community online. In a school setting getting a mentor can be done in an easy way such in a form of tutors or lecturers who you cherish for his prowess in the language of your choice, course mate, hostel mate and a kind of give-and-take mentoring relationship. If you are opportune to get a good mentor seize the opportunity to explore it and get best out of it.

5. Share your projects with Others
For others to evaluate your codes it is good to post it in your blog or website or in a forum to encourage others and for correction by expert on how to make you a better programmer. Make sure you open a means at which feed backs on your codes can get to you after it has been accessed by your online friends or partners.

Don't be scared start programming today!


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